
04:03 pm - Tue, February 2 2016
Kathi Larson said:
07:46 am - Wed, February 3 2016
Mary Ann Wortmann said:
A beautiful church on the prairie.
10:06 am - Wed, February 3 2016
Jean Hohn said:
This is the church Don belonged to when growing up
10:26 am - Wed, February 3 2016
Dan Ray said:

I stopped here on a lark, on the way to another destination...

I thought "why not", (I was very glad I did). This, Hoven, and St. Francis are all remarkable rural churches. I hope to find more as time allows... This last time was my second visit.

My regret is that somehow I time these visits when the cheese factory is closed!
11:06 am - Wed, February 3 2016
Lisa Larson said:
I belonged to this church growing up and also got married in this church. Spent many masses singing in the choir, CCD class as well as cleaning in the summer. This is truly one of Gods incredible gifts to us. Love this church and seeing the pictures just gives me chills! My parents are still members of this church.
05:33 pm - Wed, February 3 2016
Marcia Rennich said:
My parents were married in this church 62 years ago in September. This church is GORGEOUS.
10:50 pm - Wed, February 3 2016
Larry Timms said:
I married one of Jim Wermers daughters. Whenever we get back to Dimok we always go to mass and enjoy the beautiful church that has been cared for so well. Great job by a wonderful parish.
10:52 am - Thu, February 4 2016
Bob Boehmer said:
Many happy memories.. and some sad.. My folks .. any many aunts uncles happily married here and the sad times of those who had funerals here.. The best little Catholic community in USA.. Still hold my Catholic values closely.. Thanks gramps grandma. Mom dad and aunts and uncles...
02:25 pm - Fri, February 5 2016
Elaine Kvasnicka Soukup said:
Beautiful - brings back memories of when the Catholic Churches were so beautiful. Dimock residents built their church to last. When we get back to SD, will have to stop, pray and enjoy this beautiful church. I was never in it. Grew up in Tripp SD - guess no one we knew got married there. We belonged to Vodnany Church out in the country between Tripp & Scotland.
07:03 am - Mon, February 15 2016
Ann Untereiner-Mechtenberg said:
Thank you so much for the wonderful pictures of Sts. Peter & Paul Church. I grew up in Dimock, this church was the center of our community. Your gift & photos have preserved it so eloquently. I never tire of looking a pictures of this beautiful work of art. It always brings up memories that warms my heart.
09:26 am - Fri, February 26 2016
Lois Goodrich said:
My great great grandparents, Mathias and Ursula Hohn, attended this church. The Hohn families donated the large circular stained-glass window in the front. Wish I could get the history of the window especially where it was made. Amazed at the interior.
01:05 pm - Mon, March 7 2016
Bob Schlimgen said:
I grew up in the parish, left for 35 years and came back. I am once again proud to say I'm a member of the parish. A committee of three ( Kim McCann, Elaine Neugebauer and myself) prepared a historical CD with pictures on the 100th anniversary of the church in 2008. The CD should be in the back of the church with an 2008 Sony (old) CD player. The CD is 28 minutes long and walks you through the church, with pictures of the murals and statues. We spent many over 9 months on the historical report. There are even a few hard copies around of the document/CD. PS: Dan, the cheese factory opens early and closes at 4pm M- F.
09:01 am - Wed, March 9 2016
Shirley Welch Ferley said:
I was married in this beautiful church in 1971. Due to storm damage of another beautiful old church, Sacred Heart. in Parkston where I grew up, I chose to marry at Dimock. I have a very strong connection to Dimock and St. Peter & Paul. My great grandparents and other relatives are buried in the adjacent cemetery. Emil and Dorothea Untereiner are my great grandparents. Thank you South Dakota magazine.
02:56 pm - Wed, March 9 2016
Cathryn Rehfuss said:
My father Gus Wermers was raised in this church along with the rest of his family. My grandparents are buried in the cemetary next to the church along with many other relatives. I have been to this church many times for weddings funerals etc. Am always amazed at the beauty of it and how well it is taken care of. The church and the cheese factory where my uncle Al worked at are always on our list of places to go when in the area.
08:18 pm - Sun, April 17 2016
Mary Lee said:
My Dad grew up in this community. About a year ago, my husband and I stopped to visit the church of his youth. Visited the family graves and admired the beauty of this rural church. It is truly a gem. I think it made my folks day to talk to them about the visit. Dad is the only remaining member from his family. So nice to see articles of these beautiful churches.
07:19 pm - Fri, August 19 2016
Dennis Reilly said:
I saw a lot of beautiful cathedrals and old churches all over western Europe, including St. Peter's in the Vatican, while I was stationed in Germany in the 1980's. I've always felt his little church is right up there with them. I really like that they didn't change much on account of Vatican II. St. Martin's (doesn't exist anymore), in Huron, where I grew up in the 1960's & 70's, way overdid the "out with the old and in with the new."
09:09 am - Thu, December 15 2016
Barbara Schlimgen Horton said:
Last September, 9 Mitchell High School classmates visited this beautiful church. My great grandparents, Sarah and Engelbert Schlimgen, are buried in the adjoining cemetery. According to family history, they donated this piece of land. Perhaps church historians can correct me if I am wrong.
11:16 am - Fri, December 16 2016
Sandy (Wermers) Hansen said:
I too was raised & wed at this lovely church and attended the catholic school that was just to the east of the priest residence. The school is no longer there, torn down due to wear & tear of time and non-use. It was replaced with a city park. The house that was once owned by the Ogden family is still across the street from the church. The generous donations by parish members and even non-members have kept this church a quality piece of architecture and beauty and worthy of a visitation. My folks, John & Lois Wermers and their parents and multiple other family members are buried in the cemetery. Many names come to mind of the people who cared for and ran the programs for the church. Some names may date me: Mrs. Pat Walz, MaryAnn Hohn, Dori Wermers, Joyce Erpenbach, Celesta Roth, Selma Weber are only a few. The large manger scene at Christmas with all it's simplicity surrounded by what seemed to be a forest of trees decorated only in tinsel is forever stamped in my memory. The finale song of "Oh Holy Night" sung by Dick Kurtenbach and the full choir is a memory to savor. I still compare it to versions I happen to hear today. Midnight mass was the best ever. We didn't mind getting to church 1 hr. early just to hear the not so common carols that were sung. Thanks for showcasing this remarkable church. Merry Christmas everyone.
02:13 pm - Thu, June 29 2017
Janell Watson ( Boehmer) said:
I was born in Parkston, South Dakota by Dr..Porter.But lived with my parents Zeno and Shirley Boehmer on a farm not far from Dimock Lake. I miss living in a small town and going to mass at the Catholic Church and school. So many good and tragic memories.I loved Father Nemmers and sitting almost always in the same location in church ...we seemed to be always running late..I loved the stained glass windows... The big decorative columns ..Allot of memories..From seeing my best freind getting married there...Elaine Weber ...seeing my sister Jodi Boehmer in a coffin...But still believing in God. I loved going to to Dimock school... I miss my classmates...We had allot of fun at recess..running around...King Of The Mountain. The Big piled up snow... Lets see if i can remember everybody...Last names might spell wrong. Elaine Weber, Pat Weber- Huge crush on...but I was very very shy), Brian Ferguson, Brad Wermers,Patrice, Robin Shonefelder, Patty ,Doug,Julie,, Debbie, Lisa Haag. my memory slipping.Sorry if i forgot you or misspelled your names..Well if any of you guys want to get in touch with me here's my email.
11:48 am - Fri, July 28 2017
Marilyn Roth said:
Centennial History of Sts. Peter & Paul Church, Dimock, SD, 1885-1985: The first mass was in the home of Mathias Schlimgen in 1880. Masses were also held in the homes of Engelbert Schlimgen, Frank Zehnpfennig, & Ludwig Weber. Engelbert Schlimgen donated the land for the church and cemetery. The cause was never determined when the church burned in 1908. Louis Schlimgen recalled that his father saw the fire from his farm (the Wendelin Brown place) and arrived in town before the steeple fell. The bell was the only item saved. When Father Nicholas Dahlmans spoke at the laying of the cornerstone of the brick church, October 1908, servers were Louis and Roman Schlimgen and Fred Gross. The new church was completed in July 1909 (and paid for at a cost of $34,000). Because the stations of the cross had not arrived, the church was not dedicated until October 1909. In 1911, the town name was changed to Dimock, named for Warren Dimock, b. 1859, Iowa Co., WI, who was Hutchinson Co. States Attorney from 1891 to 1906 and later a county judge and state senator.
11:58 am - Fri, July 28 2017
Marilyn Roth said:
I listed the donor of the land as listed in the centennial history, but another history says the land was donated by Engelbert Schlimgen and Mathias Schmitz, and the cost of the church was listed as $34,864. Engelbert was sometimes spelled Englebert.
02:36 pm - Tue, August 15 2017
Tom Dimock said:
Thank you for this article. My family lived in West Bend, IA where there is a beautiful Catholic Church St. Peter and Paul built by Germans settling in the area. I loved going to Mass there and going to school there too. There is a similarity with the murals above the alter and the similar style of the church. I lived in West Bend, known for the Grotto of the Redemption started by the Pastor Fr. Dobberstein for a couple of year when I five or so. There is a similar mural in St. Paul church of the Assumption. I grew up on Rapid City. On one of my trips to Omaha, my curiosity got the better of me so I stopped. Unfortunately it was at an odd time of day with the church and the cheese company closed. I wanted to go back partly to see if I might be related the person with the same name as mine. My plan was to go there after the De Smet Plein Air Paint Out but had to hurry home to Minneapolis. Warren Dimock isn't a direct relative but the name Warren shows up in my family going back quite a ways and often. Thank you Marilyn for that info and Bob for cheese company hours.
08:53 am - Tue, September 24 2019
My dad Francis Schlimgen grew up in this community until about 12 yrs. old moved to Great Falls, Montana with his mother Elizabeth Schlimgen and Phillip Young her brother. I come back to visit church and cemetery when I can. It is a beautiful church. I am sure full of many memories from my ancestors.
09:51 pm - Tue, December 24 2019
Dan Hohn said:
I have many fond memories of Sts. Peter & Paul Church. Having grown up in “the city limits”, I remember the church bell sounding every day at 7 AM, 12 PM and 6 PM. My brother Ron and I were altar boys and my sister, Cindy, was an organist. My Grandma, Anna Schoenfelder, was a cook at the school. I loved seeing her there every school day. My Mom, Mary Ann Hohn, dedicated her life to working in various positions at the church and I think of her tonight, Christmas Eve. I’m sure she is in the choir loft, with a beaming smile, directing as passionately as she always did. I spent many hours mowing and maintaining the grounds during my high school/college years. I commend the community for the pride they have in maintaining this beautiful church. It continues to represent the strength and faith of small town South Dakota.
01:13 pm - Mon, February 28 2022
Linda and Mary Foley said:
Our second gr grandparents were Conrad and Mary Ann Schmitz. They were among the first settlers in Dimock and are buried in this cemetery along with several of their children. I can only believe that they were involved in the building of the first church. It is our understanding from our research that Dimock was extablished by Wisconsin German farmers. I think our Schmitz family were those early settlers. This is a beautiful church and can only hope it survives forever. Hoping to find some Schmitz relatives that still attend church there.
11:23 am - Sat, August 19 2023
Cathy Conway said:
What a beautiful, sacred building! We stopped and found it open, and were awestruck with its beauty. I pray that the community can continue to keep it up!
10:02 am - Tue, September 19 2023
Bill Aker said:
I am looking for birth, marriage & death records. My great grandmother & great grandfather. I believe they were born in Wisconsin and met in Dimock or Epiphany, Catherine Golble Esser & Adam Esser. They had 5 children that lived into adulthood. My grandmother was born August 1, 1898 Marie Catherine Esser McKinley. The Esser family moved to North West North Dakota around Berthhold, ND.
Is there a way that I can get a copy of my family records that are or were held at the The Sts Peter and Paul Catholic Church?
Thank you,
02:39 pm - Thu, April 18 2024
Linda L Surrem said:
My gr grandfather, Mathias Schmitz donated the land the church sits on before he moved on to Wessington Springs. Members of the Schmitz family are buried in the cemetery
06:48 am - Wed, March 19 2025
I was baptized in this beautiful church. I attended the Catholic School in Dimock
through the 3rd grade. My dad was the grain elevator manager in Dimock and
then accepted a job as manager of the Farmers Elevator in Madison. I have
fond memories of the community of Dimock. STs Peter and Paul Catholic Church is a beautiful shining star on the prairie. I hope to visit this summer.

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