Day 1: Your Hairdresser! Help class up her waiting area. Our magazine is 99% celebrity-gossip free (unless you count tales of Ernest Hemingway’s 1936 pheasant hunting trip to Wentworth) — and a 1-year subscription makes a nice tip.
Day 1: Your Hairdresser! Help class up her waiting area. Our magazine is 99% celebrity-gossip free (unless you count tales of Ernest Hemingway’s 1936 pheasant hunting trip to Wentworth) — and a 1-year subscription makes a nice tip.
Day 2: Farmers! South Dakota Magazine’s stories have a timeless quality, so even if planting and harvest seasons are too busy for reading, those issues will still be worth picking up during the winter. Plus, don't some tractors drive themselves nowadays?
Day 2: Farmers! South Dakota Magazine’s stories have a timeless quality, so even if planting and harvest seasons are too busy for reading, those issues will still be worth picking up during the winter. Plus, don't some tractors drive themselves nowadays?
Day 3: Teachers! South Dakota Magazine makes a great classroom resource — and since an issue comes out every other month, it won’t distract too much from grading papers.
Day 3: Teachers! South Dakota Magazine makes a great classroom resource — and since an issue comes out every other month, it won’t distract too much from grading papers.
Day 4: Your Out-of-State (or out-of-country) Relatives! Each issue serves as a great reminder of home — maybe it’ll even inspire them to move back.
Day 4: Your Out-of-State (or out-of-country) Relatives! Each issue serves as a great reminder of home — maybe it’ll even inspire them to move back.
Day 5: Cowboys! They may be in heaven on a horse on the wide open prairies of Dakota, but even the most die-hard cowboy has to get out of the saddle sometime.
Day 5: Cowboys! They may be in heaven on a horse on the wide open prairies of Dakota, but even the most die-hard cowboy has to get out of the saddle sometime.
Day 6: Adventurers! The adventurer! South Dakota Magazine is full of tips on exploring and discovering new things about our state. And it doesn't need to be recharged ... because we all know the best views don't come equipped with charging stations.
Day 6: Adventurers! The adventurer! South Dakota Magazine is full of tips on exploring and discovering new things about our state. And it doesn't need to be recharged ... because we all know the best views don't come equipped with charging stations.
Day 7: Parents! Our events section contains lots of fun family-friendly activities, and even your youngest readers can enjoy our photos.
Day 7: Parents! Our events section contains lots of fun family-friendly activities, and even your youngest readers can enjoy our photos.
Day 8: Your Mailman! After a full day of stuffing mailboxes, wouldn't it be sad for him or her to come home to an empty one?
Day 8: Your Mailman! After a full day of stuffing mailboxes, wouldn't it be sad for him or her to come home to an empty one?
Day 9: Hammock Owners and Fireplace Aficionados. They’re looking for excuses to lounge — why not give them one?
Day 9: Hammock Owners and Fireplace Aficionados. They’re looking for excuses to lounge — why not give them one?
Day 10: Cooks! They can learn how to make all our best foods — how to fry catfish, find morel mushrooms and bake the best rhubarb dessert. You might even get repaid with some delicious SD treats!
Day 10: Cooks! They can learn how to make all our best foods — how to fry catfish, find morel mushrooms and bake the best rhubarb dessert. You might even get repaid with some delicious SD treats!
Day 11: New Neighbors! It’s an easy way to introduce newcomers to your town…or your state. ‪#‎12DaysOfSDGiving
Day 11: New Neighbors! It’s an easy way to introduce newcomers to your town…or your state. ‪#‎12DaysOfSDGiving
On the 12th day we wish to thank you, our wonderful readers and gift-givers, for sharing more than just a magazine. By giving a gift subscription, you are sharing important stories of adventure, challenge, art, heritage, food and culture. You are sharing what makes our state (and its people) so unique and great ... that's a pretty inspiring gift! Thank you and Merry Christmas from all of us at South Dakota Magazine.
On the 12th day we wish to thank you, our wonderful readers and gift-givers, for sharing more than just a magazine. By giving a gift subscription, you are sharing important stories of adventure, challenge, art, heritage, food and culture. You are sharing what makes our state (and its people) so unique and great ... that's a pretty inspiring gift! Thank you and Merry Christmas from all of us at South Dakota Magazine.

Twelve Days of South Dakota Giving

Dec 14, 2015

We know that our magazine isn’t for everybody … only kindred spirits who love our dear state as much as we do! That’s why — for 12 days of Christmas — we’ll be sharing a list of people who deserve a gift subscription to South Dakota Magazine. Share your own list by using â€ª#‎12DaysofSDGiving‬ on social media or by adding a comment below.


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