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125 Years on Canvas
Aug 29, 2014
By John Andrews
South Dakota means something different to all of us. As we celebrate our state’s 125th birthday this year, a collection of artists have put their interpretations of life in South Dakota into a special exhibit currently on display at the Center for Western Studies in Sioux Falls. “South Dakota 2014 Art Exhibit and Sale: Observing the State’s 125th Anniversary” is a juried show highlighting the works of 40 artists from around the state. Each piece tackles themes of statehood from a personal angle.
There’s an amazing array of diversity throughout the exhibit. Artists painted rural landscapes and city scenes, ranch crews and depictions of Native American life. The exhibit runs through Sept. 27 in the Center’s Simmons/Madsen/Nelson/Elmen galleries. Here’s a small sampling of what you’ll find on display:
La Hoo-Catt, by George Prisbe-Przybysz, depicts the Missouri River as it was originally surveyed by William Clark in 1804.
Bear Creek Branding, by Ariadne Albright, is based on a vintage photograph of cowboys working on a Harding County ranch in the 1930s.
Cave Hills Twilight, by Peter Kilian, showcases the beauty of Harding County’s unique landscape.
Toronto Morning Patterns, by Gary Steinley, portrays a scene at the Toronto grain elevator.
United, by Ron Backer, shows the Fort Pierre railroad depot, which is currently under restoration at the Verendrye Museum in Fort Pierre after years as a storage shed and sheep shearing facility on a local farm.
Pow-Wow Dancer, by Dennis Linn, features a young dancer preserving his Lakota culture.