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Bear Butte's Skies
Jul 24, 2013
Rapid City photographer Bonny Fleming shared these photos of Bear Butte. See or purchase more of her work at bonzeye.asiostudio.com.
Bear Butte State Park is located 6 miles northeast of Sturgis off Highway 79.
The area is sacred to many Native American tribes.
Mato Paha or "Bear Mountain" is the Lakota name given to the Butte.
It is called Noahvose by the Cheyenne.
Traditional religious ceremonies are still held here.
According to Cheyenne custom, this is where holy man Sweet Medicine met the Creator and the Four Sacred Persons who guard the Universe.
Bear Butte was designated as a National Historic Landmark in 1981.
Two hiking trails are located within Bear Butte State Park.
The two seasons collide in the Black Hills.
Wildflowers are adding a splash of color to the granite and pines of the rugged Black Hills.
Riding off into the sunset near Hot Springs. Photo by Mackenzie Myers
South Dakota provides the perfect backdrop for toy photography.
The annual Dakota Marker game brought thousands to Brookings.