
09:41 am - Wed, May 9 2012
Laura said:
Fun! I love the picture of three bears.
11:28 am - Wed, May 9 2012
Rebecca said:
Me, too. It is too cute!
02:23 pm - Mon, June 18 2012
Vince Flynn, MD said:
I love visiting Bear Country! My cousin, Pauline Casey and her husband, Dennis, started the business many years ago. Whenever I am in the area, I take my family by there to check out the new animals. We even had a family reunion in Deadwood a few years back and we all spent the whole day there. It has been too long since I have been there. Looking forward to a revisit.
01:33 pm - Thu, July 12 2012
Jan Peterka said:
Re: Bear Country, does anyone know what issue of SD mag. had the feature article on the Casey family and Bear Country? I thought I'd saved the issue, but apparently I've lost it. Any help would be appreciated. We are collecting material for a museum in Pickstown, SD and would like to include that issue as Dennis Casey was a dentist in Pickstown for a short time. Thanks!!
01:39 pm - Thu, July 12 2012
Laura said:
Hi Jan- Look for that story in the March/April 2003 on pages 8-13.

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