
02:10 pm - Tue, March 4 2014
Donna Kirschenmann said:
You've captured it all: the prairie, strength, beauty community,endurance,adversity....beautiful!
03:41 pm - Tue, March 4 2014
Dawn said:
Beautiful, Powerful and Majestic.
You captured their sprit in their eyes.
We are so busy we don’t get time to get out and enjoy them for ourselves.
Thank you for sharing these Beautiful pictures !!
05:25 pm - Tue, March 4 2014
Marlys said:
Thank you for the pictures. Like Dawn said.... most of us don't have the time to go out and just enjoy nature. It's wonderful to see pictures.
11:23 pm - Tue, March 4 2014
Sap said:
Thanks for the pictures.
The first time I saw a bison -here, in a Spanish zoo- I thought it was a walking mountain.
08:23 am - Sun, March 9 2014
Gerald Carl said:
I truly enjoyed these pictures. I have a passion for the buffalo especially of the Black Hills and any pictures I see remind me of my love for them. These pictures reminded me of how much I have missed seeing them and will go back to the BH tis summer to get more of what means so much to me. I have been fascinated with the buffalo story from near extinction to the return to its present status. Places like the federal and state parks give me comfort that the buffalo will be improving its place in our world. I am also moved by what the "Wild Idea Buffalo Co, is doing with the buffalo. Thanks for sharing the pictures, keep up the good work.
04:55 am - Tue, March 1 2016
wendy Sells said:
with all of the bison the wild animals are just so very lovely wild animals . from Wendy Sells
03:52 pm - Fri, April 15 2016
giacamo(Jim)orefice said:
This is something I would have experienced in my two year trek across this land in 1974. Ask Dawn. I hadn't known of cell phones then. Nice Job!


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