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Crazy Horse Stampede Rodeo
Jun 24, 2011
Photographer Jeremiah M. Murphy shot the 2011 Crazy Horse Stampede Rodeo last weekend. This year's rodeo honored the memory of Anne Ziolkowski Christensen. Anne, the sixth child of Crazy Horse sculptor Korczak Ziolkowski and Ruth Ziolkowski, passed away in May of this year. She founded the Crazy Horse Stampede Rodeo and was a driving force behind the rodeo. View more of Murphy's photos at Tumblr.
A pickup rider leads a riderless horse around the rodeo arena at the start of the 2011 Crazy Horse Stampede Rodeo.
Miss Days of 76 Kristina Maddocks brings the American flag into the arena at the start of the 2011 Crazy Horse Stampede Rodeo. Photography by Jeremiah M. Murphy.
Right out of the chute a bareback bucking bronc works to bare his back of the pesky rider clinging for dear life. Photography by Jeremiah M. Murphy.
Four fingers are all that connect this rider and this bucking bronc. Photography by Jeremiah M. Murphy.
Riders and ropers wait their turns to ride and rope. Photography by Jeremiah M. Murphy.
A young barrel racer urges her horse around a tight turn. Photography by Jeremiah M. Murphy.
This fellow’s called a “bull fighter”. But, he’s dodging this draft. Photography by Jeremiah M. Murphy.
Pickup riders (here in green) are the unsung heroes of rodeos. They pluck bronc and bull riders to safety once their rides time out. Photography by Jeremiah M. Murphy.
Rodeo queens have many working responsibilities to use their horsemanship skills in the course of a rodeo. Here, Miss Rodeo South Dakota, Vanessa Ternes of Belle Fourche on the left and Trisha Smeenk, Miss Black Hills Stock Show, share a light moment before they are called on to herd livestock or display sponsor flags. Photography by Jeremiah M. Murphy.
A team roper blasts out of the chute. Photography by Jeremiah M. Murphy.
The two seasons collide in the Black Hills.
Wildflowers are adding a splash of color to the granite and pines of the rugged Black Hills.
Riding off into the sunset near Hot Springs. Photo by Mackenzie Myers
South Dakota provides the perfect backdrop for toy photography.
The annual Dakota Marker game brought thousands to Brookings.