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Island Winter
Jan 17, 2017
Two islands lie near Pierre — Farm Island and LaFramboise. They’re most popular in fair weather, when visitors most comfortably enjoy their lush nature, varied wildlife and miles of hiking. But snow and ice lend a different perspective to their beauty. Photos by Lance Bertram.
Farm Island Recreation Area is located on Lake Sharpe.
Fur traders explored the island in the early 1800s, and then tilled the land and planted crops.
A causeway was built in 1934 and the island became a recreation area.
Big Bend Dam was finished in 1965, and much of the island was flooded beneath Lake Sharpe.
Nature has reclaimed much of the area. Eight miles of hiking trails wind through it.
LaFramboise Island Nature Area is an island on the Missouri River just southwest of Pierre.
It’s connected to the city by a causeway.
LaFramboise Island was originally known as “Bad Humor” island in Lewis and Clark’s journals due to a tense encounter they had nearby with the Teton Sioux.
The LaFramboise name is attributed to Joseph LaFramboise, who built Fort LaFramboise at the mouth of the Bad River west of the island.
LaFramboise Island taken from nearby Griffin Park in Pierre.
LaFramboise Island taken from nearby Griffin Park in Pierre.
LaFramboise Island taken from nearby Griffin Park in Pierre.
LaFramboise Island taken from nearby Griffin Park in Pierre.
LaFramboise Island taken from nearby Griffin Park in Pierre.
LaFramboise Island taken from nearby Griffin Park in Pierre.
LaFramboise Island taken from nearby Griffin Park in Pierre.
The two seasons collide in the Black Hills.
Wildflowers are adding a splash of color to the granite and pines of the rugged Black Hills.
A snowy Terry Peak near Lead. Photo by Landin Burke
South Dakota provides the perfect backdrop for toy photography.
The annual Dakota Marker game brought thousands to Brookings.