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January/February 2014
Robin Reinhold took this photo of her son, Caleb, digging a cow out of a snowdrift after an October blizzard devastated West River. |
Return of the Ghost Shirts: Sacred garments from the Ghost Dance era return to the Cheyenne River Reservation. Sioux Falls in White: Greg Latza captures winter beauty in South Dakota's big city. Black Hills Skiing: The Bald Mountain Ski Club helped build Black Hills winter culture. The Party Begins: South Dakota's 125th birthday bash kicks off in Yankton. The Cattleman's Blizzard: West River ranchers find hope amidst the devastation caused by Winter Storm Atlas. [read more] Reading Peoples' Faces: World Series of Poker winner Michael Moore of Agar finds similarities between poker and painting. 2014 Guide to Higher Education: Creating campus leaders at South Dakota colleges, universities and technical schools. |
Please note: Online articles are edited and may not include all pictures or content from the original version.