March/April 1999

Cover artist Marietta Lakness lives on a farm near Hayti, South Dakota. For the self-taught artist, field work on the farm isn't all work. Marietta is constantly observing the world around her, storing up images such as a sparrow on a fence that later become paintings. 


River of the White Woods: High water on the James River brings an old name to mind.

North and South of Nothing: Meade County's wide open spaces.

A Company Town Called Scenic: A Badlands town with its share of characters.

A Hero in All But His Own Eyes: Vietnam veteran Michael Fitzmaurice of Hartford wears his Congressional Medal of Honor well.

The United States vs. Dakota Lean: How a value-added venture landed one Winner family in jail.

The Father of South Dakota: The state he loved drove first governor Arthur Mellette to despair and financial ruin.

The Opera House That Wouldn't Close: Spearfish's Matthews Opera House is the best it's ever been.




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