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March/April 2007
Jim Brandenburg came upon these deer during a springtime visit to the Badlands. |
Home Town of the Word Warrior: Vine Deloria, Jr. is remembered in Martin. Martin Today: A West River town rich in scenery and heritage. Solitary Art of Tim Vogl: The Rapid City artist identifies with the lonesomeness of country life. Outlaw Ranch: A spiritual hideaway in the southern Black Hills At Home on the Grasslands: The photography of Jim Brandenburg. Oahe's Freshwater Salmon: An ocean treasure in land-locked South Dakota. Touring Pennington County: South Dakota's longest and most diverse county includes the Badlands, the Black Hills, and the state's second-largest metro area. Picturing the Past: Can photographs encourage historic preservation of South Dakota's endangered sites? |
Please note: Online articles are edited and may not include all pictures or content from the original version.