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May/June 2006
Sioux Falls photographer Greg Latza participated in a Haakon County branding. |
Paddling on the Prairie: South Dakota waterways prove ideal for kayakers and canoers. Hartford: How water, and community spirit, has made a Minnehaha County town grow. A Hollywood Find: Old photographs of Sioux Falls turn up in an unlikely place. Philosophy, Philanthropy and Fishin': A Bridgewater pond provides therapy and companionship, and some fish, too. Calamity Jane, We Hardly Knew You: A Mitchell author investigates the fabled woman's life and legend. Spring Branding at Deep Creek: Haakon County ranch hands round up calves for a yearly ritual. Last Year at Deep Creek: The prairie has been a science lab for a one-room school. Reunion at Roscoe: A school reunion ducks disaster, and the prune juice flows. Prairie Version of a Clam Bake: Two Armour men demonstrate the art of cream can cooking. [read more] Deadwood's Old Tunes: Mining melodies rediscovered in the Black Hills. |
Please note: Online articles are edited and may not include all pictures or content from the original version.