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May/June 2007
Sioux Falls photographer Greg Latza was watching a ballgame in Eureka when he noticed a view from behind the bench |
Sightseers in a Farm Town: Enjoying Centerville's little-known treasures. My 100 Mile Diet: A week of eating foods grown within a 100-mile radius of Sioux Falls. The Meaning of Baseball: Amateur baseball is a small town tradition in South Dakota. Windsurfing Oahe: Catching the wind above South Dakota's biggest Missouri River reservoir. Launching a Museum: The National Park Service exposes the mystery of our missile sites. Stalking Rhubarb: An indigenous plant for pie, cake and jam. My Father the Painter: Axel Sacrison's art depicts Harding County's Finnish heritage. Gathered for a Gun Show: There's lots of camaraderie among South Dakota firearms enthusiasts. Revisiting White River: The unchanging beauty of the West River valley. The Last Lakota Code Talker: Clarence Wolf Guts fooled the Japanese in World War II. [read more] |
Please note: Online articles are edited and may not include all pictures or content from the original version.