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More from Golf Outside the Box
Jul 5, 2016
Our July/August issue includes a feature on our quirkiest golf courses. We gathered several beautiful photos of the fine fairways, hazards and greens around our state. Here are some that didn't make the magazine.
The Missouri River provides amazing scenery for Sutton Bay Golf Course's inland links-style course in Sully County. Photo by Gary Kellner.
Several boulders etched with golf-related sayings decorate Hillsview Golf Course in Pierre. Photo by Nancy Gordon.
Southern Hills Golf Course winds through the lower Black Hills just west of Hot Springs. Photo by Chad Coppess, S.D. Tourism.
Lead Country Club, formerly owned by Homestake Mining Company, is one of the oldest courses in western South Dakota. Photo by Ed Osloond.
Beresford's Bridges Golf Course, built on marshland, has nine bridges covering assorted water hazards. Photo by Kelly Knutson.
Katie Bartlett takes a swing on Pierre's Hillsview Golf Course. Photo by Bob Grandpre.
The land at Spring Creek Golf Course in southeast of Sioux Falls will eventually become part of Good Earth State Park. Photo by Christian Begeman.
Elevated tee boxes at Lead Country Club overlook forest-lined meadows. Photo by Sam Quaintance.
The two seasons collide in the Black Hills.
Wildflowers are adding a splash of color to the granite and pines of the rugged Black Hills.
Riding off into the sunset near Hot Springs. Photo by Mackenzie Myers
South Dakota provides the perfect backdrop for toy photography.
The annual Dakota Marker game brought thousands to Brookings.