Cathedral on the Prairie
Nov 17, 2015
Hoven's "Cathedral of the Prairie" is visible for miles at night. It isn't really a cathedral; just a prairie church. But Monsignor Anthony Helmbrecht, who presided over the Catholic parish for half a century, hoped one day Hoven might be a bishop's home. Bishops have visited, and in the Jubilee Year of 2000, Bishop Robert Carlson declared St. Anthony's Church a destination for Catholic pilgrims. But no bishop has resided in Hoven, and the Cathedral of the Prairie remains a small-town church — one of extraordinary beauty and grandeur. Photos by Dan Ray.
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This was a stunning church, definitely on a "list to visit" for stunning buildings in South Dakota, (commenting here on my lunch hour). The community is to be complimented on the excellent condition of this church!
The lighting in this church made shooting a challenge, that and the fact that I only have about an hour to shoot it every time I go by, (business trips). Gotta take the lighting the way it is.
In no particular order, other churches to visit include the church in Dimok SD, as well as the church in St. Francis, (I seem to get to visit the rural churches a lot more than the ones in the larger cities). I hope you all enjoy.
Magnificent is the only word that I can use. I look forward to going back for a service someday.
This cathedral serves as a tribute and statement about the faith and dedication of this community. At a time when people had little, suffering thru the Great Depression. This community dedicated themselves to their Lord and built this magnificent place that all should know of their belief and faith.
If you’re ever near - take that turn and witness a very moving tribute to strong people and their faith.
I really need to come up there!
So beautiful!!