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South Dakota Sky
Aug 6, 2013
Scott Korsten shared these photos of rural Sioux Falls. "Like so many other South Dakotans, my eyes are drawn to the sky, especially when the weather is active or changing," Korsten says. "My favorite images come from times when the three C's are present in varied degrees – clouds, color and change."
Korsten considers himself a "photo hobbyist." He regularly volunteers his photography efforts to Children's Home Society and the South Dakota Symphony Orchestra. Korsten is one of the founding partners of Showplace Wood Products and is director of marketing for their cabinet company.
The South Dakota sky can provide a compelling and impressive reason to be up by 6 a.m.
A colorful, orange-toned sunrise.
An early evening storm approaches from the west.
An evening storm produces an impressive lightning show. The electrical transmission tower on the lower left gives a sense of scale.
Lightning exposes a cloud formation otherwise hidden by the darkness of night.
A strong combination of clouds and color at sunset.
Nothing but clouds ... the skies were changing and active.
Beautiful colors and light shaped by clouds as the sun descended.
A quickly expanding cloud formation revealed by the day's sunrise. "A good reason to look at the sunrise and then turn around to see what the emerging light has to show," Korsten says.
The cloud formation continues to grow. Its size and shape changes quickly and dramatically as the sun rises in the opposite direction.
Calm and beauty follow an early-evening rain shower.
Huge, brightly lit clouds taking shape at about 7p.m. over Iowa. "It was a good evening to live in South Dakota."
The two seasons collide in the Black Hills.
Wildflowers are adding a splash of color to the granite and pines of the rugged Black Hills.
Sunset along the Lewis and Clark Trail between Pierre and Farm Island. Photo by Ron ...
South Dakota provides the perfect backdrop for toy photography.
The annual Dakota Marker game brought thousands to Brookings.