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September/October 2010
Toby Brusseau's new book I Am South Dakota includes an essay and photos of Dave Schroth, who raises buffalo for the 777 Ranch near Hermosa. |
Life Changers: Ten West River South Dakotans with tough jobs are the focus of Toby Brusseau's book. Colton — Tractors Galore: This small Minnehaha County town has fresh groceries and antique tractors. 25 Years of Foods: A tasty review of the unique foods we've featured in South Dakota Magazine. Problem Solvers: South Dakota inventors and their contraptions. Bicycling the Hills: The Black Hills may be the best-kept secret in the bicycling world. Racing Ginger: One Geddes girl's best friend was her horse. Mountain Lodges: A few hideaways in the Black Hills. [read more] Pettigrew's Redemption: Will a sculptor vindicate Sioux Falls' forgotten father? [read more] Book Festival Guide: A guide to the 2010 South Dakota Festival of Books. |
Please note: Online articles are edited and may not include all pictures or content from the original version.