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So Long, Summer
Sep 2, 2014
Pierre photographer John Mitchell shared these images from his Labor Day weekend visit to the Black Hills. See more of his work at
The sun rises over Spearfish.
Along the George S. Mickelson Trail between Mystic and Hill City.
The trail contains more than 100 converted railroad bridges and four rock tunnels.
An old hillside cabin along Rochford Road.
An old hillside cabin along Rochford Road.
Remnants of the Carbonate mining camp above the rim of Spearfish Canyon.
James Ridpath settled the area when he discovered carbonate ore, a mixture of silver and lead. The town was founded in 1881.
A grave marker at the Carbonate cemetery.
Remnants of the Carbonate mining camp above the rim of Spearfish Canyon.
Carbonate's last resident, a man named Raspberry Brown, died in 1939.
The view from St. Ambrose Cemetery in Deadwood.
The view from St. Ambrose Cemetery in Deadwood.
The Milky Way sparkles over South Lead Cemetery.
The two seasons collide in the Black Hills.
Wildflowers are adding a splash of color to the granite and pines of the rugged Black Hills.
Sunset along the Lewis and Clark Trail between Pierre and Farm Island. Photo by Ron ...
South Dakota provides the perfect backdrop for toy photography.
The annual Dakota Marker game brought thousands to Brookings.