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Nov/Dec 2017 Favorites
Nov 16, 2017
Our staff chose favorite photos from the November/December 2017 issue. What are yours?
Circulation manager Laura Johnson Andrews chose this photo of Rick Knutson and Pete Eccles washing dishes at Summit’s annual lutefisk supper. “I can't remember when I last saw a couple of men have such a good time washing dishes,” she says.
Circulation assistant Kayla Barger likes this image of an early shot of winter at Yankton’s Riverside Park. “One of my favorite things about winter is looking out the window and seeing the beautiful trees with frost on them, glistening in the sun,” she says.
“I hold a lot of respect for a bird that will dive under water to capture fish,” says publisher Heidi Marsh of Harlan Humphrey’s osprey photo. “How cool is that?”
Contributing editor Paul Higbee considers Jesse Brown Nelson’s photo of Sheep Mountain Table to be, “one of the very best Badlands photos I've ever seen. You can feel the harsh sun.” Circulation assistant Katelyn Hamil also chose this image. “This picture humbles me and reminds me that there is beauty in the world. We just have to look for it,” she says.
Managing editor John Andrews chose this photo from the Summit lutefisk supper. “One of my best memories of going to Summit was hanging out with this fun-loving kitchen crew,” Andrews says. “They didn’t mind me pestering them with questions while they tried to get food ready. One of them even offered me a mimosa. I’m still not sure, but she might have been serious.”
Publisher Katie Hunhoff and circulation assistant Liza Sandoval chose the photo of Edith Ammons Kohl at her writing desk. “Edith looks so peaceful here in her office, focusing on her writing,” Hunhoff says. “She began her journalism career as a young pioneer when she took responsibility for a local newspaper in 1907.”
“Maybe I’m just hungry today, but the picture of lutefisk with all the trimmings is a favorite of mine,” says Bernie Hunhoff, founder and editor-at-large. “You could’ve left off the lutefisk — the cranberry, mashed potatoes, corn and coleslaw would be good enough for me.”
Contributing editor Roger Holtzmann likes Chad Coppess’ photo of a black-footed ferret. “Wildlife photography definitely takes more patience than I have,” Holtzmann says.
Marketing coordinator Jenessa Kniffen chose our cover shot of Iron Creek Lake, taken by Jesse Brown Nelson. Paul Higbee says this photo was a close second for him. “I recognized the exact spot the second I saw the photo,” he says.
The two seasons collide in the Black Hills.
Wildflowers are adding a splash of color to the granite and pines of the rugged Black Hills.
Riding off into the sunset near Hot Springs. Photo by Mackenzie Myers
South Dakota provides the perfect backdrop for toy photography.
The annual Dakota Marker game brought thousands to Brookings.