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Winner! Whereizzit in South Dakota?
Dec 18, 2014
Let's see if we can stump you with a quick Whereizzit contest! Trent Preszler took this photo somewhere in South Dakota. Here's a hint: the shed is somehow connected to a local food-growing program.
To win, be the first person to correctly identify the location or name the small town that is nearby. You'll win a free gift subscription which you can keep for yourself or award to anyone you wish! Good luck.
Looks like you need a few extra clues!
Clue #1: Let's cut the state in half. This scene was found West River.
Clue #2: Ok, let's try quarters. Focus your efforts north of I-90.
Clue #3: It's on the Cheyenne River Indian Reservation.
We have a winner! Three, actually — Gary Wilson of Volga, his daughter Jessica, and their atlas guessed La Plant. Trent Preszler took this photo on Highway 212 at the Sam D. Horse Community Center, where they're working on a food and garden project called "La Plant Grows Its Own Food." Good luck in the next growing season, Dewey County gardeners, and thanks to all who participated in our contest!