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Days of '76 Rodeo
Aug 1, 2011
Deadwood hosted its 89th annual Days of '76 Rodeo on July 26-30. Over 50 contestants competed in rodeo favorites like steer wrestling, bull riding, and barrel racing. Chad Coppess captured these photos.
Two young cowboys watch intently as barrel racers compete in the Days of '76 arena.
A bareback bronc rider shows near-perfect form with spurs over the shoulder of the horse as his mount leaps completely in the air.
South Dakota's Miss Rodeo America McKenzie Haley was surprised during Saturday's Days of '76 rodeo in Deadwood when Governor Dennis Daugaard proclaimed "McKenzie Haley Day in South Dakota."
Dropping from his horse onto the back of a running steer, a "bulldogger" or steer wrestler looks for the quickest time to get the steer on its back with all four feet in the air.
Bull riding is the most dangerous of rodeo events. Many contestants wear helmets and face protection, but it doesn't prevent getting "hung up" in the rope as seen here. At this point in a ride, the cowboy is just looking for a safe way to get loose and land in the dirt without injury.
The two seasons collide in the Black Hills.
Wildflowers are adding a splash of color to the granite and pines of the rugged Black Hills.
Migrating geese near Gavins Point Dam west of Yankton. Photo by Rachel Eikmeier Kneifl
South Dakota provides the perfect backdrop for toy photography.
The annual Dakota Marker game brought thousands to Brookings.