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Rolling Onward
Aug 29, 2014
Travelers were arriving in Yankton by train, horse and steamboat 125 years ago when South Dakota gained statehood.
Steamboats and passenger trains are long gone, but visitors will be coming with horses next week in the old Missouri River city, where a quasquicentennial wagon train will begin on Thursday (Sept. 4). The public is welcome to join the wagoneers for a celebration of statehood on Wednesday afternoon and evening (Sept. 3). Headquarters for the festivities is the rodeo grounds, a half-mile west of the intersection of Highways 50 and 81 on the far northside of Yankton.
From noon to 5 p.m., tours will be offered of a museum-in-progress — the restoration of the historic Mead Building as a new home for Yankton’s old Territorial Museum. Wagon rides will be provided from the rodeo grounds to the nearby museum (pulled by an old tractor, not a horse.) A chicken dinner will be served from 5-7 p.m., with proceeds going to the museum project. Tickets may be obtained in advance at the Territorial Museum. Tickets may also be purchased at the event on a first-come, first-serve basis.
A program of music and history also begins at 5 p.m., hosted by Terry Crandall. The agenda includes singer Mike McDonald, a re-enactment of the first governor by actor John Timm, songs by the Beadle School first-graders, more music by country singers Rachel Wood and Ashley Schweitzer, a speech by wagonmaster Gerald Kessler and remarks by Governor Dennis Daugaard.
A concert and dance will ensue from 7 to 10 p.m., featuring the country/folk songs of Poker Alice. All the activities except the meal are free. No beer or alcohol will be served at the program or dance, so bring the kids and grandkids. This is an opportunity for them to get a sense of the spirit of challenge and adventure that has marked the history of their home state.
Everyone is encouraged to dress in western wear, contemporary or historic. Commemorative t-shirts are available at the Chamber of Commerce for $12. They will also be sold at the event on Wednesday. The t-shirt slogan reads, “Happy Trails to You, Until We Meet Again in Yankton.”