
10:06 am - Mon, January 27 2014
Peggy Humbracht said:
Love Karen's photos and can't wait to see more of her albums. She catches the essence of the wildlife and her scenery pictures are absolutely just beautiful. Please continue showing her photos!! Absolutely gorgeous!!
02:03 pm - Mon, January 27 2014
Mandy Woolston said:
Gorgeous photos Karen! You do have a way of capturing the wildlife, absolutely love your work!!
02:49 pm - Tue, January 28 2014
Cathy Hegg said:

Great pictures Karen--there is always a "fight" when the South Dakota magazine arrives at our house!!
08:11 am - Wed, January 29 2014
Sharon Sandmeier said:
Beautiful pictures, Karen! You do such a great job of capturing the beauty of the outdoors! Can't wait to see more of your pictures in the magazine.

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