Event search results

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Apr 01, 2017 / Dale Lamphere Presents: "The Making of Dignity" - Spearfish

Mr. Lamphere (South Dakota Artist Laureate) will share the process of creating the sculpture “Dignity” that was placed at the Lewis & Clark rest area near Chamberlain.

Mr. Lamphere (South Dakota Artist Laureate) will share the process of creating the sculpture “Dignity” that was placed at the Lewis & Clark rest area near Chamberlain.

High Plains Western Heritage Center in the Bruce Miller Theater
High Plains Western Heritage Center in the Bruce Miller Theater 57783 825 Heritage Drive, Spearfish, SD 57783

Apr 01, 2017 / Angelus and Collegiate Chorale in Concert - Sioux Falls

Angelus, under the direction of Dr. Lisa Grevlos, and the Collegiate Chorale, under the direction of Dr. Russell Svenningsen, will perform their joint spring concert.

Angelus, under the direction of Dr. Lisa Grevlos, and the Collegiate Chorale, under the direction of Dr. Russell Svenningsen, will perform their joint spring concert.

Augustana University - Chapel of Reconciliation
Augustana University - Chapel of Reconciliation 57197 2001 S. Summit Avenue, Chapel of Reconcialiation, Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57197
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