Event search results

Your search returned the following 2 results:

Mar 25, 2022 - Oct 22, 2022 / National Music Museum Special Exhibition: "Gamelan! A Way of Life"

Celebrate the music and instruments of the Kyai Rengga Manis Everist Gamelan 

Celebrate the music and instruments of the Kyai Rengga Manis Everist Gamelan 

National Music Museum
National Music Museum 57069 414 E. Clark Street, Vermillion, sd 57069

Apr 14, 2022 - Apr 16, 2022 / Yelduz Shrine Circus

It's Circus Time!!!! It’s the most wonderful time of year again it’s time for the Yelduz Shrine Circus. We have a great show lined of for ...

It's Circus Time!!!! It’s the most wonderful time of year again it’s time for the Yelduz Shrine Circus. We have a great show lined of for 2022 that will be filled with amazing, death defying acts and your favorite circus animals will even be here! Including the ELEPHANTS !! We hope you can make our amazing show in Aberdeen. Aberdeen Civic ...
Aberdeen Civic Arena
Aberdeen Civic Arena 57401 203 S. Washington St. Aberdeen, S.D 57401
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