Stockwell Engineering Ski & Snowboard Race benefiting the NAMI

Feb 27, 2022 1:00 pm

Celebrate winter sports with some friendly competition with our Stockwell Engineering Ski & Snowboard Race on Sunday, February 27 benefiting NAMI South Dakota!

Competitors of all ages and skill levels are invited to race!

Racers may register at Guest Services the day of the event. There is a $10 entry fee with the chance to win a trophy and door prizes.

Registration closes at 12:15 pm, and the race starts at 1 pm with an award ceremony to follow. Racers under the age of 18 will need a parent's or guardian's signature.

Regular skiing and snowboarding still open to the public.

Location:   Great Bear Ski Valley
Map:   5901 E Rice Street Sioux Falls, SD 57110
Phone:   605-367-4309

All Dates:
Feb 27, 2022 1:00 pm

Celebrate winter sports with some friendly competition with our Stockwell Engineering Ski & Snowboard Race on Sunday, February 27 benefiting NAMI South Dakota! Competitors of all ages and skill levels are invited to race! Racers may register at Guest Services the day of the event. There is a $10 entry fee with the chance to win a trophy and door prizes. Registration closes ...
Great Bear Ski Valley
Great Bear Ski Valley 57110 5901 E Rice Street Sioux Falls, SD 57110
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