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Staff Favorites from July/August 2014
Jul 16, 2014
Here are some of our favorite photos from the latest issue of the magazine. What are yours?
Andrea Maibaum, production manager, liked this photo of Highway 385 by Bernie Hunhoff.
“I like Chad Coppess' picture of Wanda Goodman, the deputy tourism secretary, gazing over a herd of buffalo,” says Publisher Bernie Hunhoff. “That's exactly how our tourism leaders should look in my imagination.”
Emily VanDerhule from our subscriptions department chose this historic photo of Woonsocket’s artesian well. “I imagine a lot of muddy fun was had under that gusher during the summer,” VanDerhule says.
“The picture of the deer in Downtown Rapid City near the Alex Johnson cracks me up,” says Advertising & Marketing Director Heidi Marsh. “I can't help but think, ‘checking in?’” Photo by Jack Siebold.
Managing Editor John Andrews chose this photo from Wind Cave National Park by Paul Higbee. "Imagine reading in your car and suddenly seeing this right outside your window," Andrews says. "I think this photo truly illustrates why bison have long been considered kings of the Plains."
"These Chubby Chipmunk chocolates are actually beautiful works of art," says Editor Katie Hunhoff. "We were lucky enough to get a sample box in the mail. The truffles were devoured by our staff almost immediately, however we did get some good photos before they disappeared." Photo by John Andrews.
“As a former Mission Hill resident, I have to choose Christian Begeman's photo of Vangen Lutheran Church – even though we went to the other church in town,” says Laura Andrews, assistant marketing director.
Special Projects Coordinator Rebecca Johnson chose this photo of the Hogrefe Game Production Area by our Subscriptions Director Jana Lane. “It looks like her daughters are having so much fun,” Johnson says.
“My pick is the cute little girl in overalls, pigtails and rain boots waiting her turn for showing at the Turner County Fair,” says Renee Becker of our subscriptions department. “We went every year for several years when my kids were little. What a fun day and a great fair!” Photo by Greg Latza.
“I love the photo of the young Lakota dancer for its artistry and technical excellence, but also for the captured moment of ecstasy on her face,” says Contributing Editor Roger Holtzmann. Photo by Richard Steinberger and Matt Normann.
Administrative Assistant Ruth Steil chose this photo of Heritage Park by Christian Begeman.
The two seasons collide in the Black Hills.
Wildflowers are adding a splash of color to the granite and pines of the rugged Black Hills.
Riding off into the sunset near Hot Springs. Photo by Mackenzie Myers
South Dakota provides the perfect backdrop for toy photography.
The annual Dakota Marker game brought thousands to Brookings.
The little girl is Jean Skoglund from Canova.