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Staff Favorites from Mar/Apr 2014
Mar 12, 2014
Here are some of our favorite photos from the latest issue of the magazine. What are yours?
Renee Becker from our subscriptions department chose this photo by Tayn Reis and Aaron Stryzewski. “Every farmer I know has a love for what he does and for his land,” Becker says. “The endless time and effort they put into growing crops, raising cattle, and doing field work is remarkable. Their thinking minds are always working overtime!”
Emily VanDerhule, sales and marketing coordinator, loved our cover photo by Jana Thompson. “So green and springy!”
“The agates on page 22 are my favorite,” says Heidi Marsh, sales and marketing director. “I love that people travel from all over the country to hunt for agates in South Dakota, and some Rapid Citians are discovering them in their backyards.” Photo by Tom Shearer.
Special Projects Coordinator Rebecca Johnson chose this photo of Ron Grandi holding a false map turtle hatchling. “What can I say? Tiny turtles are cute,” Johnson says. Photo by Sam Stukel.
Andrea Maibaum, production manager, chose this early photo from the Sioux Falls post office. Mail was sorted by hand when it opened in 1895.
Contributing Editor Roger Holtzmann chose this photo from the Stanley County Fairgrounds in Fort Pierre by Jana Thompson. “This was my vote for the cover. Let the readers decide which is better!”
Managing Editor John Andrews chose this photo of upward lightning by Tom Warner. The rare phenomenon was captured on the outskirts of Rapid City.
Ruth Steil, administrative assistant, chose this portrait of Lionel Bordeaux by Bernie Hunhoff. Bordeaux is president of Sinte Gleska University in Mission.
Publisher Bernie Hunhoff chose this racetrack photo by John Andrews. “Looks like a great place to spend an afternoon in Aberdeen,” Hunhoff says.
"I love learning about new places to explore in South Dakota — like Hippie Hole in the Black Hills,” says editor Katie Hunhoff. Photo by Edith-Maria Redlin.
The two seasons collide in the Black Hills.
Wildflowers are adding a splash of color to the granite and pines of the rugged Black Hills.
Migrating geese near Gavins Point Dam west of Yankton. Photo by Rachel Eikmeier Kneifl
South Dakota provides the perfect backdrop for toy photography.
The annual Dakota Marker game brought thousands to Brookings.