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Staff Favorites from May/June 2016
May 9, 2016
Here are some of our favorite photos from the latest issue of the magazine. What are yours?
Andrea Maibaum, production manager, chose this photo of Devil’s Bathtub near Spearfish. Photo by Chad Coppess, S.D. Tourism.
Laura Johnson Andrews chose this photo from the annual Kite and Bike Festival in Brookings. "That huge, vibrant kite is amazing. I've never flown a kite, but I'm pretty sure that would be a bad one to start with,” says Andrews. Photo provided by South Dakota Art Museum.
John Andrews, managing editor, chose our cover photo of Lake Poinsett. Photo by Greg Latza.
"One of my favorites is Rich Lofthus’ shot of the Benedictine monastery cemetery in Yankton, surely one of the quietest, prettiest and most peaceful places in South Dakota,” says Bernie Hunhoff, editor-at-large.
“My favorite pics are the hydroelectric plants on Spearfish Creek,” says Sandy Easterling, subscriptions. “It was interesting to learn Homestake Gold Mine built them over a century ago. My dad worked for Homestake when my parents first got married and started our family in Lead.” Photo by John Mitchell.
Rebecca Johnson, special projects coordinator, chose this photo of baby bighorn sheep by Rich Lofthus.
Mary Wickler Peterson chose this photo from Lake Poinsett. "What a beautiful sunset on calm waters,” Peterson says. Photo by Greg Latza.
Heidi Marsh, co-publisher, and Renee Becker, subscriptions, chose this photo of Iron Mountain Road in the Black Hills. “My husband and I recommend this route to anyone who is vacationing in the Hills. It’s one of our favorite drives we like to take,” Becker says. Photo by Eric Sprecher.
Roger Holtzmann, contributing editor, chose this photo from north of Belle Fourche by Cody Lere. "As the old adage says, 'The most important part of getting a good photograph is to be there.' Lere obviously knows how to get himself into the right places,” Holtzmann says.
Ruth Steil, administrative assistant, liked this photo of Deerfield Lake. Photo by Harlan Humphrey.
The two seasons collide in the Black Hills.
Wildflowers are adding a splash of color to the granite and pines of the rugged Black Hills.
A snowy Terry Peak near Lead. Photo by Landin Burke
South Dakota provides the perfect backdrop for toy photography.
The annual Dakota Marker game brought thousands to Brookings.