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Prairie Black and White
Oct 22, 2013
Joel Schwader, Rapid City, shared this gallery of black and white images. "I think they tell a better story than color ever could," Schwader says.
Train cars heading out of Owanka in early morning.
This barn just southwest of Elm Springs no longer stands. Time and prairie winds finally took their toll.
Not much is left of this old house in Owanka. A forgotten piece of history to all but a few head of cattle that graze there in the summer.
East of Owanka. “I drove this road in late November,” Schwader says. “The barren trees, the clouds and dark skies gave way to not only a good picture, but a flood of feelings, as well.”
One of the few remaining buildings in Owanka.
In the middle of a corn field just south of Elm Springs, this barn and house seem to stand the test of time.
Not much is left of this old house in Owanka. A forgotten piece of history to all but a few head of cattle that graze there in the summer.
A forgotten old farm just north of New Underwood.
The two seasons collide in the Black Hills.
Wildflowers are adding a splash of color to the granite and pines of the rugged Black Hills.
Migrating geese near Gavins Point Dam west of Yankton. Photo by Rachel Eikmeier Kneifl
South Dakota provides the perfect backdrop for toy photography.
The annual Dakota Marker game brought thousands to Brookings.