Second Chances
Dec 9, 2016
Seldom in life do we get second chances. And the prospect of it happening 161 years after a calamity? Very rare. But our Nov/Dec 2016 issue has just such a story. It happened when Paul Stover Soderman of Colorado discovered he was a descendant of General Harney, the man responsible for a massacre of Lakota men, women and children in 1855 at Blue Water Creek in Nebraska. The killings happened after Harney rebuffed Chief Little Thunder’s extended hand. A few years ago, Soderman befriended the chief’s descendants.
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* Waki*
Harney's dauguter married General Beauregard.Very interesting families.I read and have researced alot.
changing history.
Jennie Kinder can you email my husband Paul Soderman he'd like to talk to you about Harney relatives.
Thank you!