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Royal Opportunity in Centerville
Aug 10, 2016
Our July/August issue includes a story on the Royal Bake Shop, a Centerville mainstay currently for sale. Bernie Hunhoff took several photos at the bakery this spring. Here are some that didn’t make the magazine.
Dale Merritt opened the main street business in 1946.
Janine and Keith Ellis, both Centerville natives, bought the Royal Bake Shop from Merritt in 1993.
Their signature donut is the 99-cent Zebra, which is trademarked by the state of South Dakota. Keith describes the Zebra as a marbled donut with fudge frosting and glaze.
On a normal Saturday, the Ellises bake an average of 1,000 donuts.
They run a robust business that includes deliveries to several surrounding towns, and serve coffee and donuts in their shop.
Though business is booming, the Ellises are ready to sell. “I want to go out on top of our game,” Keith says.
All the breads, pastries and rolls are still made with the founder’s recipes, some dating from the early 1900s.
The Ellises say they will work with the next owners for two months free of charge to teach them the finer points of Zebras and their other sweet treats.
The two seasons collide in the Black Hills.
Wildflowers are adding a splash of color to the granite and pines of the rugged Black Hills.
Riding off into the sunset near Hot Springs. Photo by Mackenzie Myers
South Dakota provides the perfect backdrop for toy photography.
The annual Dakota Marker game brought thousands to Brookings.