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Duncan Donuts
Jul 12, 2017
Our July/August issue includes a story by Staci Perry on the Flandreau Bakery and Coffee Bar. Two generations of the Duncan family have been baking tasty treats there for 88 years. Perry visited the Duncans to hear their story, sample a few classics and take several photos — too many to print. Here are the ones we couldn’t fit into the magazine.
Mel Duncan got the keys to the bakery in 1929 as payment on a debt.
88 years later, his sons Ed and Don still rise in the wee hours of the morning to light the ovens and mix ingredients.
They attribute their success to dedicated employees like Ilsa Grindeland and Colin Myears.
Denise Myears and Jackie McDaniel help with customers.
The bakery has an impressive menu.
Classics include sweet rolls, cinnamon bread, chocolate chip cookies and bread varieties like sunflower, French, whole wheat, rye and multi grain.
A generation of school kids got hooked on the chocolate cake donuts because of a reading program implemented by a local teacher; read a book, get a free donut.
The two seasons collide in the Black Hills.
Wildflowers are adding a splash of color to the granite and pines of the rugged Black Hills.
A snowy Terry Peak near Lead. Photo by Landin Burke
South Dakota provides the perfect backdrop for toy photography.
The annual Dakota Marker game brought thousands to Brookings.