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September/October 2009
Chad Coppess of South Dakota Tourism photographed Tara Meise as she kayaked the Missouri near Farm Island, east of Pierre. |
Autumn Grasslands: South Dakota's native prairie has fared better than most. [read more] Our Great Wall: Mixing ice water, entertainment and big ideas. [read more] America's Best Idea: National parks reflect the very best of our nation. Waubay Food Scientist: Verna Knapp's kitchen in Day County is a laboratory for experimentation. [read more] The Island Mesa: Harding County's Cave Hills have drawn explorers for centuries. [read more] Custer's Trail Today: Paul Horsted and Ernie Grafe followed Custer's 1874 Black Hills expedition route. [read more] Faith in the Voters: A radical Aberdeen priest was the father of the initiative and referendum process. [read more] Man on the Street: Lloyd Cunningham's four decades of photojournalism at the Sioux Falls Argus Leader. Hall of Fame Questions: Putting the 2009 South Dakota Hall of Fame inductees on the spot. 2009 Book Festival: A guide to the South Dakota Festival of Books in Deadwood. |
Please note: Online articles are edited and may not include all pictures or content from the original version.